Optional Trip Protection Plan (TPP)

To help protect your investment and enjoy all the benefits of the Trip Protection Plan mark the designated box during the enrollment process. Participation in this program is optional. All travelers choosing to not enroll in the TPP will be subject to Global Travel Alliance’s Standard Cancellation Policy (see below) and will not receive the other benefits outlined in the TPP. TPP fee and the initial trip deposit are non-refundable.
Travelers must agree to provide any documentation requested by the Global Travel Alliance, or United States Fire Insurance Company, Travel Insured International to validate that their reason for cancellation is covered by the TPP and is valid.
The Trip Protection Plan is a valuable plan with Two-Fold protection: Pre-Departure Coverage (before the trip) and Post-Departure Coverage (during the trip).
Pre-Departure Coverage
The Pre-Departure benefit of the TPP allows travelers to cancel for covered reasons of a personal nature (e.g. bad grades, sickness/illness, death in family, broken leg, etc.) and get a full refund of their payments. It does not cover things like terrorism, civil unrest, war – declared or not, etc. Things like the non-refundable deposit, late payment fees, credit/debit card convenience fees, returned check fees, and the TPP fee are not refundable at any time. The Pre-Departure cancellation benefit is allowed up to 24 hours prior to scheduled trip departure and must be made in writing via fax, email, or letter by an adult or account holder for the traveler.
– Premier Cancellation Policy: Written cancellation *for any covered personal reason up to 24 hours prior to scheduled trip departure = 100% refund (less non-refundable deposit, TPP fee, late payment fees, card convenience fee, and returned check fees).
*Exclusions: The Trip Protection plan is designed for personal reasons unique to each traveler’s situation. For example, a death in the family, poor grades, injury, etc. It does not make refunds in the event the trip is cancelled as a result of or following any act of God, natural disaster, war (whether declared or not), epidemic or pandemic, terrorism, civil unrest, or in the event of Global Travel Alliance bankruptcy, insolvency, or cessation of business.
Pre-Departure Coverage of the Trip Protection Plan is provided by Global Travel Alliance Inc.
Post-Departure Coverage
The Post-Departure benefits of the TPP protects travelers during the trip in case of added expenses due to Trip Delays, Trip Interruption, or Missed Connections caused by weather or other airline delays as well as provides Accident and Sickness Medical Expense coverage (including Emergency Evacuation and Repatriation), Baggage/Personal Effects coverage and Baggage Delay coverage.
– Trip Delays, Trip Interruption, Missed Connections Coverage: Covers additional accommodation and travel expenses due to covered travel delay/interruption including air delays due to weather.
– Accident and Sickness Medical Expense Coverage: Emergency Medical expenses that occur on your trip and Emergency Medical Evacuation and Repatriation Coverage.
– Baggage/Personal Effects, Baggage Delay Coverage: Covers essential items if checked baggage is lost or delayed for 24 hours or more.
Terms and Conditions are below for more on coverage limits and cost of the plan.
Post-Departure Coverage of the Trip Protection Plan is underwritten by the United States Fire Insurance Company.
Trip Protection Plan (TPP) - Terms & Conditions
Enrollment in the Trip Protection Plan (TPP)
To help protect your investment and enjoy all the benefits of the Trip Protection Plan mark the designated box during the enrollment process with your registration in any Global Travel Alliance trip. Participation in this program is optional. After enrolling in your trip, travelers can still cancel their enrollment in the TPP as long as it is within 14 calendar days (2 weeks) of the date of their initial enrollment.
Trip Protection Plan Costs
Trip cost is $499 or less TPP fee is $74
Trip cost is $500 to $599 TPP fee is $104
Trip cost is $600 to $799 TPP fee is $109
Trip cost is $800 to $999 TPP fee is $119
Trip cost is $1,000 to $1,199 TPP fee is $139
Trip cost is $1,200 to $1,399 TPP fee is $149
Trip cost is $1,400 to $1,599 TPP fee is $159
Trip cost is $1,600 to $1,799 TPP fee is $179
Trip cost is $1,800 to $1,999 TPP fee is $199
Trip cost is $2,000 to $2,199 TPP fee is $219
Trip cost is $2,200 to $2,499 TPP fee is $239
Trip cost is $2,500 to $2,999 TPP fee is $249
Trip cost is $3,000 to $3,499 TPP fee is $269
Trip cost is $3,500 to $3,999 TPP fee is $279
Trip cost is $4,000 or above TPP fee is $299
General Limitations and Exclusions
Trip Delay – 6 hours: up to $750 ($150/day) of qualified expenses per covered person // Missed Connection: up to $500 (3 or more hours) of qualified expenses per covered person // Trip Interruption: up to $500 (return air only) of qualified expenses per covered person // Baggage/Personal Effects: up to $1,500 ($250 per article) of qualified expenses per covered person//Baggage Delay – 24 hours: up to $300 of qualified expenses per covered person (covers reasonable additional purchase of essential items if checked baggage is delayed or misdirected by a common carrier for 24 hours or more) // Accident and Sickness Medical Expense: up to $25,000 of qualified expenses per covered person // Emergency Evacuation and Repatriation: up to $100,000 of qualified expenses per covered person.
The Post-Departure portion of the TPP is underwritten by the United States Fire Insurance Company.
Benefits are not payable for the following: resulting from suicide, attempted suicide or any intentionally self-inflicted injury while sane or insane (states may vary); due to a mental or nervous condition, unless hospitalized; resulting from an act of declared or undeclared war; while participating in maneuvers or training exercises of an armed service; while riding, driving or participating in races, or speed or endurance contests; while mountaineering (engaging in the sport of scaling mountains generally requiring the use of picks, ropes, or other special equipment); while participating as a member of a team in an organized sporting competition; while participating in skydiving, hang gliding, bungee cord jumping, scuba diving or deep sea diving; while piloting or learning to pilot or acting as a member of the crew of any aircraft; received as a result or consequence of being Intoxicated, as specifically defined in the Certificate, or under the influence of any controlled substance unless administered on the advice of a Legally Qualified Physician; to which a contributory cause was the commission of or attempt to commit a felony or being engaged in an illegal occupation; due to normal childbirth, normal pregnancy through the first 9 months of pregnancy or voluntarily induced abortion; for dental treatment (except as coverage is otherwise specifically provided herein); which exceed the Maximum Benefit Amount for each attached coverage as shown in the Schedule of Coverage and Services: or; due to a Pre-existing Condition, as defined in the Certificate. The Pre-existing Condition Limitation does not apply to: (a) Emergency Medical Evacuation, Medical Repatriation and Return of Remains coverage; or (b) to coverage purchased prior to Your final Trip payment.
This material is provided for information purposes only and is not intended to be a representation of coverage that may exist in any particular situation under a policy issued by one of the companies within the Crum & Forster Enterprise. All conditions of coverage, terms, and limitations are defined and provided for in the policy. C&F, Crum & Forster, and Fairmont Specialty are registered trademarks of United States Fire Insurance Company. The Crum & Forster Enterprise, which is part of Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited, is comprised of leading and well-established property and casualty business units. The insurance companies within the Enterprise, rated A (Excellent) by A.M. Best Company, are: United States Fire Insurance Company, The North River Insurance Company, Crum and Forster Insurance Company, Crum & Forster Indemnity Company, Crum & Forster Specialty Insurance Company, Seneca Insurance Company, Inc., Seneca Specialty Insurance Company, First Mercury Insurance Company, and American Underwriters Insurance Company.
Standard Cancellation Policy
This policy applies to all travelers who choose not to enroll in the Trip Protection Plan.
Any cancellations initiated by Global Travel Alliance, school or church authorities, group or trip leader, or the traveler will fall under the Standard Cancellation Policy. The Standard Cancellation Policy is based upon the number of days prior to departure that the cancellation occurs. The days prior to departure are calculated based upon the original trip departure date (“Original Date”). In the event a trip is rescheduled or delayed (a “Reschedule”) to a later date (a “New Date”), the number of days prior to departure used to calculate refunds shall be capped at the number of days prior to the Original Date that notice of the Reschedule is given to travelers (the “Reschedule Cap”). Once the number of days prior to the New Date is less than that of the Reschedule Cap, then the number of days prior to the New Date shall be used to calculate the refund, if any. For example, if the original departure date of the trip is May 30, 2021 and notice that the trip departure is rescheduled to August 30, 2021 is given to travelers on March 31, 2021, then the Reschedule Cap will be 60 days prior to departure. On July 2, the number of days prior to the New Date shall be used to calculate the refund, which in this example will be 59 days. On July 3, the number of days used to calculate the refund will be 58 days. Cancellations Made = Cancellation Penalty:
61 – 90 days prior to scheduled departure = 30% of total trip cost (includes deposit)
31 – 60 days prior to scheduled departure = 50% of total trip cost (includes deposit)
30 days or less prior to scheduled departure = 100% of total trip cost (includes deposit)
*Initial deposits are not refundable at any time.
Cancellation procedure for the Trip Protection Plan and Standard Cancellation Policy: All cancellations must be made in writing and received by Global Travel Alliance at:
Global Travel Alliance
12750 Nicollet Ave
Suite 210
Burnsville, MN 55337
or e-mail (cancel@globaltravelalliance.com) and must be received by Global Travel Alliance at least 24 hours prior to the group’s scheduled departure. All cancellation notices must have the traveler’s name, school name, complete address and covered personal reason for cancellation. Refunds will be issued only to the name listed on the account (the traveler). No refunds are issued for any unused services or program inclusions. The refund process takes approximately 3 weeks. Please Note: The non-refundable deposit, Trip Protection Plan fees, handling fees, 3% credit/debit card convenience fees, fees for returned checks, late payment and late registration fees, and merchandise are not refundable at any time.